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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Session 1: Blogger

First learning group session and other teachers wanted to check out blogger - how, why, internals, etc.

This is all good with me as I am setting up blogs with my classes, so it is good to see how others want to use it and what to pros and cons are.

 These are the instructions I used with my Y13 Classics class.
I can email this as a word doc, let me know if you would like it.

How to set up your Blog

1.      You need to create a blog
a.      Go to
b.      Use your school email address to set this up

2.      Set up a blog for your Classics Blog
a.      Give your blog a name that somehow relates to Classics
b.      In the description, state your name so we can recognise who you are
c.       Set your privacy settings carefully
d.      Choose a basic template, but do not spend too long personalising this now.  You can do this for homework.

3.      To customise your blog for Classics, you need to:
a.      Go to the layout tab

b.      Add the following gadgets from the Add Gadget menu
                                                  i.      Labels
                                                ii.      About me
                                              iii.      Followers
                                               iv.      Blog archive
c.       You can add other gadgets later, but make sure they are appropriate for this task.

4.      Write your first blog post – do some quick research on Socrates on the internet and blog about what you find. Before you publish, label your blog post so that it can be sorted and found easily.  You need to use labels as we will be using Blogger for a lot of different topics and standards this year and you will need to see these separated.
5.      Go back to your blog and check to see how your labels look on your blog
6.      Now you need to follow another student’s blog and you need to follow me at so that I can follow you.

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