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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

L@S Breakout 1: 3 tools mashed with Google...

...3 tools mashed with Google for History, Geography and Social Studies Teachers: Google Earth, Google Maps and Google Street view.  David Kinane

Very hands on practical approach

Add primary source material to map pins = images, text... using the rich text editor
Though can't upload from computer.

Can't add a Picasa slideshow.  Tried.  It would be really cool, though.

Can embed YouTube in pins if you use the old embed code from YouTube (go below the usual embed code and check the Use old embed code box to get it.

Timeline creator
Can't go further back than 1000AD!  Dumb.

Can load images directly upload images to Google Streetview via histroypin to compare sites, etc.

Googel Earth
So cool.  Need time to play with it.
Create tours
Upload images

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