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Friday, February 25, 2011

L@S Breakout: Brett Lee

Cyber safety on social networks

most issues happen outside of school

It's not the phone or the internet or any other device.  It's the behaviour, values, morals and teachings.  Cyber world and non-cyber world are not separate.  You can't leave one behind when you log off/on and go to the other.  Same world.

Life experience is a changing factor.

Our students will always be part of online environments.  Embrace it, but set morals and values just like off line environments. 

miRc - hundreds of servers with hundreds of chat rooms. old program, but still in use.

is a business.  They work within the law, but sometimes unethical.
They don't want to invite the law in because then they get a bad rep with clients.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

L@S: Be a guitar hero...

To game or not to game: real learning in an unreal world

Judy Lymbery
School of Psychology and Pedagogy, Victoria University

... involve me and I will understand

Jane McGonigal - TED talks

Michael Gladwell - Outliers - 10,000 hours theory.
"What are the 'gamers' getting good at?"

New pedagogical approaches for new media

The case for using video games as pedagogical tools:
  • Expands their engagement with written and visual texts, images and sounds
  • Leads to new forms of literacy
  • Precursor to facilitate learning of other technology

James Gee

(click to view on YouTube to also check out other videos on the right)

Make learning more engaging, meaningful and relevant
Allow to buil upon technological skills
Can games met curricula requirements

Games can bridge the gap

Do games breed violence?
A person in the session just objected to Judy's statement that their is no research to suggest that violent games are a cause of violent behaviour.
I think this is more of a question about the environment in which the games are being played and the general experiences a person is exposed to, at the same time that gamers are not being talked about and given a context. Also, critical thinking skills needed to evaluate and make good decisions about gaming.
I think it is really easy to blame games because it takes the responsibility off parents and teachers - those same people who are the real and fundamental role models for young people.

  • Socialising
  • life skills
  • Strategy
  • Collaboration
  • problem-solving
  • decision-making

Types of learning:
  • Role-playing
  • Learning from mistakes
  • Experimental learning
  • Self-directed learning
  • Problem-based learning

Guitar Hero
on mobile devices
How can anything you teach be linked to Guitar Hero?

Marc Prensky - Don't bother me mum, I'm learning
Ewan McIntosh

Random stuff:
Tagxedo, like wordle, but better - tags, etc

Brain Based Learning

Karen Boyes 
Really engaging, well presented, discussion, questioning, humour, very little action on "PowerPoint"

Big gap between teaching and learning
If they can't remember what they have learned, what was the point of them being there?

Seven ways we can understand the brain and learning

1. Primacy 
The first things that happen.  Your brain will automatically remember your firsts. 

Students will remember the first things a teacher says, the first look, the first thing that happens in the day, the first interction with others...
Creating a good "first" interaction - use music, friendly greeting,

Using music
60s music works with every age group...?
Use it to start lesson, positive atmosphere
Students have music in their heads all the time.  
(apparently, people who commit suicide have been listening to dark music.  Doesn't mean people who listen to dark music will commit suicide)
Have routine to start the lesson so no precious time lost.  Routine to revise last lesson, prepare their books... Students don't know what to do so allows distraction

2. Recency
The thing that happens last.
Easier to recall most recent - revising of learning needs to happen at the end of each lesson

Brain can take in info for 50mins. (older research)
Learn for 50min, then 10min break.  one first, one last
Learn for 20min, break for 5, learn for 20, break for 5.  two firsts, two lasts.
Brain needs to have breaks to process learning.  
When you can't get to sleep becasue your brain is working, it is becasue you have not had processing time during the day.  On average it should only take 7 minutes to fall asleep.

Provide downtime in the classroom.  Allow them time to process. 

Your brain at deep focus can only do one thing at a time.
At a brain level, none of us can multitask.  We can serial task - flick between.  Serial tasking is slower, harder to focus.
Goldie Hawn schools - 3 times a day kids lie on the floor and be calm and quiet - process.

iStudy alarm - awesome!

3. Repetition
Tony Robbins - "the mother of skill"
Perfect practice makes perfect.  Practice makes permanent.
Good spellers look up.  Poor spellers look sideways or down.
Fast recall looks up.  Accesses different parts of your brain. 

1 day: within 24 hours.  info goes into short term memory and stays for 24 hours.  If nothing is done with it in that 24 hours it gets lost - cannot be accessed.
Ensure students do something with info with 24.  Read about it, talk about it, write about it, draw it, think about it...
By the time they get home, it's too late.
After 3 days, you will only be able to remember 30%.  We need to try to hold on to the other 70%.
Blind summarise onto note cards after school.  Read summarised notes the next day.
Permanent recall - 1 week, 1 month, 6 months.

4. Stands Out
People love stories, make them entertaining and they will remember.
First impressions count. 

5. Association
Linking of info.
Link what they are learning to real life.
How do we know that what we say in classroom is what they understand we mean?  If I say love, what do they understand?  How might that be different to what I said?

6. Visual
80% of what your brain takes in it accesses visually.
We, older generation, read in Z pattern.  New generation reads in an F pattern.  Header, menu.
Best colour for memory - red.  Fire engines, McDs, Stop signs, marking! Also, green, blue
Winners in Olympic games... red...???
How should students visually take notes?
Most people  transform info in the brain into visuals. 

7. Chunking
Breaking info into small pieces
Students can handle 7 pieces of info at a time. 

10 Top Brain Foods
Water is one of two substances that crosses the blood-brain barrier.  If there is anything in the water it is treated as food and goes to gut.
Breakfast - brain function depends on breakfast.  Junk is better than nothing, but...
Olive oil
Wholegrain bread

Vowels and consonants are stored in different places in brain.  Placing of vowel stored different place to the actual vowel.
Fat is good for your brain.  Myelination - highways in the brain.

John Medina - 12 brain principles - book
Dr. David Sousa - How the brain learns
Eric Jenson
Goldie Hawn (!) need to look up schools being set up - still three times a day, prime the brain and revise information,

L@S Random / Other Stuff 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

If gaming is the answer... What's the question?

Sylvia Martinez    - Great stuff here

Been looking forward to this.   Hoping it meets expectations.

Games a metaphor for learning and education

Games are not new, but they have a very limited world

Are kids learning from games and what are they learning?

There is a lot of research about games in classroom.  Only a little bit of that is about video games.
Chess - valuable learning.  How is it connected to Maths?  It's not, but it is connected to logical thinking which helps with Maths.

Teens encounter both pro-social adn anti-social behaviours when playing games.
Pew research.
Myth - kids who play games are isolated zombies.

Chris Crawford, the Art of Computer Game Design
"It is not games bu schools that are newfangled notion..."

Are games useful for learning?
Are games useful in schools?

What do you believe?
learning is making?  or meaning?
learning is natural or forced
faster answers are better answers?
history is memorising facts or understanding concepts and relationships?
Is "time on task" a good mesure of learning?

Game Genres
Fixed shooeter
interactive movies
Survival horror
Third person shooter
First-person shooter

Types of games
Serious games
Virtual worlds
Alternate reality
Commercial off the shelf games (COTS)

focus on the right answer, speed, memory
created for parents and teachers to reinforce the learning that happens in the classroom

Is dragging something to the right place a game?
Is it learning?  or is it just reaffirming knowledge?

Tabula Digita-  new game
Dimension M

The Logical Journey of the Zoombinis
Software game

Ayiti, the Cost of Life
Students helped in the making of this game.
Survival of your family in a very realistic setting
Based on poverty and life in Haiti
Has a very specific outcome- goal is to live

Arden (Shakespeare)
This game was abandoned because it wasn't fun!

It is critical for teachers to rethink their assessments if they are going to use any sort of game.
Studnets can't play a game where they create the narrative if that conflicts with the knowledge and/understanding you are assessing.
A game where students can play as Germans in WWII cannot win, if you are assessing who won WWII.

Alternate reality games - hot new thing, especially mobile
Mash-up of real and virtual

COTS Games

Learning from mistakes

Playing games does not appeal to everyone and no one game appeals to all gamers
Hence, in Y9 Classics students don't play but create concepts and they can choose what sort of game, literally any sort of game.

Sylvia referred to:
James Paul Gee itemizes “game-like” attributes in his publication Good Video Games and Good Learning:
  • identity
  • interaction
  • production
  • risk-taking
  • customization
  • agency
  • well-ordered problems
  • challenge and consolidation
  • situated meanings
  • pleasantly frustrating
  • just in time and on demand
  • system thinking
  • explore, think laterally, rethink goals
  • smart tools and distributed knowledge
  • cross-functional teams

Look for...
game play you can plan and discuss
Support big ideas
Offers multiple ways to "win"

Taking Gaming to the next level
Students designing and programming games
Students learn how and why behind the simulation
Scaffolded learning, mediated by the computer
Student programs computer, not computer programs student

Games in Education
Joy in learning
Need adequate time
Crucial teacher role
Authentic assessment
Reflective activities
Kick it up a notch - let the students design their own games

Links: - this wiki basically has this whole session on it:) 
How computer games help children learn, by James Paul Gee
Everything Bad Is Good for You: How Today's Popular Culture Is Actually Making Us Smarter, by Steven Berlin Johnson

I liked this breakout.  Well delivered.  She knew what she was talking about from such a varied experience.
Humour is good.  She did this well.

L@S Breakout 1: 3 tools mashed with Google...

...3 tools mashed with Google for History, Geography and Social Studies Teachers: Google Earth, Google Maps and Google Street view.  David Kinane

Very hands on practical approach

Add primary source material to map pins = images, text... using the rich text editor
Though can't upload from computer.

Can't add a Picasa slideshow.  Tried.  It would be really cool, though.

Can embed YouTube in pins if you use the old embed code from YouTube (go below the usual embed code and check the Use old embed code box to get it.

Timeline creator
Can't go further back than 1000AD!  Dumb.

Can load images directly upload images to Google Streetview via histroypin to compare sites, etc.

Googel Earth
So cool.  Need time to play with it.
Create tours
Upload images

L@S Keynote: Scott McLeod

Two big shifts and one big problem: The growing disconnects between schools and our digital, global society

"Leadership shifts need to happen...  if I could have just an hour with those people"

Another keynote about how technology has changed.  I tuned out, but have tuned back in to hear Scott talk about the printing press!!!

Publishing costs.
We all have a voice.
For free.


I think he has been talking about the faster cheaper deficit.  With products and services being provided faster, cheaper, with the tech interface rather than the human jobs and careers need to change.  Therefore, education needs to change so we can prepare our students for THE REAL WORLD.
I think we do this better at High than most other schools, but how can we still do this better?

Ok so this guy is saying some good stuff, but he has started telling us that we need to do stuff like teaching kids how to adjust their privacy settings on Facebook rather than ban it.  This sort of stuff has been told to us before, but no-one yet has suggested solutions, practical actions for educators.

He is asking "big questions"  with no discussion of answers.

Battery low..


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Session 1: Blogger

First learning group session and other teachers wanted to check out blogger - how, why, internals, etc.

This is all good with me as I am setting up blogs with my classes, so it is good to see how others want to use it and what to pros and cons are.

 These are the instructions I used with my Y13 Classics class.
I can email this as a word doc, let me know if you would like it.

How to set up your Blog

1.      You need to create a blog
a.      Go to
b.      Use your school email address to set this up

2.      Set up a blog for your Classics Blog
a.      Give your blog a name that somehow relates to Classics
b.      In the description, state your name so we can recognise who you are
c.       Set your privacy settings carefully
d.      Choose a basic template, but do not spend too long personalising this now.  You can do this for homework.

3.      To customise your blog for Classics, you need to:
a.      Go to the layout tab

b.      Add the following gadgets from the Add Gadget menu
                                                  i.      Labels
                                                ii.      About me
                                              iii.      Followers
                                               iv.      Blog archive
c.       You can add other gadgets later, but make sure they are appropriate for this task.

4.      Write your first blog post – do some quick research on Socrates on the internet and blog about what you find. Before you publish, label your blog post so that it can be sorted and found easily.  You need to use labels as we will be using Blogger for a lot of different topics and standards this year and you will need to see these separated.
5.      Go back to your blog and check to see how your labels look on your blog
6.      Now you need to follow another student’s blog and you need to follow me at so that I can follow you.