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Friday, October 8, 2010

ULearn 2010: Animate Senior Students

Creating supportive learning environments

Really cool

many uses

Create short animations on anything


ULearn 2010: Mimio

So, I was booked to go to the Processes for Learning breakout that is on right now.  But I got to the room and saw it was the same woman from yesterday's keynote and from the instructional design session.  I turned around and found a session on Mimio across the corridor so here I am.


I really want one of these!

Magnetically connects to the board

Thursday, October 7, 2010

ULearn 2010: What every instructional designer needs to know

Lane Clark

Human cognitive architecture (HCA)
Cognitive load theory (CLT)

She started with rules for us to use/not use the pens.  Don't colour with the pens.  Put the pens back in the case...

What happens in the brain in order for learning to occur?
If you forget it after several months, did you actually learn anything?  Yes
Apparently, if nothing has changed in your long term memory, then nothing has been learned.
How do you know?  We only teach our studnets for a set amount of time.  Is that amount of time within the realms of long term memory?
If I only needed to know my learned stuff for a short, specific term, then does it matter that it does not exist in my long term memory?  Didn't I still learn it?  Does she mean that I didn't learn anything for my life long learning bank?

John Hattie

Now we are listening to Lane and recording our notes on a template she has given us.  We must use different colours and we can't write in sentences.  We need to use pictures.

Working memory v. long term memory
How long is long term?  What is the span of working memory?

Working Memory:
All conscious processing occur in your working memory
3-4 items dealt with at once
30sec limit if not rehearsed
only applies to new, yet to be learned information

Long term memory:
Store schema (mental representations of information)
if working memory can draw on schema in long term memory, then limitations of working memory don't exist
Huge stores allow easy recognition of characteristics

What is learning?
Novel information processed in working memory... stored in long term memory in REM sleep (best time for review is just before sleep. Concept mapping, etc)
Problem solving places a huge burden on working memory
Learning is inhibited if working memory is overloaded

Cognitive Load Theory (CLT)
the ease with which information is process in working memory

Intrinsic cognitive load = intellectual complexity of material
  • inherent intellectual complexity of material.  
  • cannot be controlled.
  • elements cannot be understood in isolation
  • understanding information imposes heavy WM load = simultaneous 
  • can artificially separate whole into simpler bits but could compromise integrity of material and learning
Extraneous Cognitive load = way information presented
instructional techniques require learners to use working resources on activities that do not contribute to schema development
  • searching information
  • writing when writing outcomes are irrelevant to the learning
  • trying to record and listen and watch simultaneously
Known as ineffective cognitive load
Instructional designers have complete control over this.

Germane cognitive load = learner investment
  • known as effective cognitive load
  • when intrinsic adn extraneous cognitive load leave sufficient wm resources, learners may invest extra effort in schema construction
  • motivation results in an increase in cognitive resources devoted to a task and therefore contributes to germane cognitive load
  • know the schema associated with the learning
  • teachers need to unpack curriculum so that instruction can be strategically designed

  • recognise level of complexity inherent in material
  • collect baseline data
  • Provide strategically designed immersion opportunities that focus on prerequisite schema development
  • if learning must be broken down ensure learners see the big picture at the beginning and end
  • ensure wm not overloaded capacity not overloaded due to Ext and Int
  • only then will learner invest
  • still no guarantee they will invest
  • recognise the power of a learner's level of personal motivation
  • learning must be relevant and purposeful tot he learner today - before you start the learning, it's too late at the end
  • cater to MIs - this promotes success
  • provide criteria for content, process, skills
  • success = positive emotions = success = increases germane cognitive load
  • success is the only option
  • ensure there is no danger, stress or threat = limits learning = decreases success = decreases motivation = decreases germane load

Differentiate through tools, not activities
References I found: 
Wikipedia - good overview

ULearn2010: MLearning

Nathan Kerr
Robert Douglas
Dr Noeline Wright

Paper notes handout of slides, etc.  Refer to these.

Strong association with schools
Podcasting to mobiles

What is MLearning?
Any device that allows student to learn any where, any time.

Encourages sharing of content and product
videos, etc

From notes: Students wanted their mobile devices to be "communications Swiss army knives"

Students want both teacher created and student created content, because they want to see the "standard" and variations of that standard.

MLearning encourages collaboration the most.

They don't encourage text language (?)
Schools have their own ability to write up their own assessment activities
"If it meets the assessment criteria, why not?"

Further research needed

In class response system
Not MLearning, but using a cellphone interface to respond to learning in class.
Can be short or long text, vote, etc.  All entries appear on screen as responding. 
Could this be done with mobiles?  texting in to a forum or collaborative environment?
Deliberate planning and interaction by the teacher is vital.

(Why do the presenters, in order to prove the worth of the experience they are presenting, always choose positive responses from the "bad" kids?  Does that make the response more relevant?)

Mobile devices as computers?
  • Access

  • Networks

  • Internet

  • Budgets

  • Pedagogically applied technology improves student outcomes.
    Capability improving
    Usability improving
    Cost plummiting

    Cloud computing - how does this change the dynamic?

    3G data or school wifi?  wifi = 0 cost to the student
    But schools need to control and monitor use.

    Internal IT support should be pedagogically aware for most effective support and provision

    What schools need:
    Robust policies for use
    Clear communication of policies, possibilities and value to all parties
    Include expectations for theft, misuse, abuse

    You can't leave them to their own devices
    (finally, someone not using PowerPoint)


    Any where, any time
    Easy to access any time, especially outside of specific learning environment/classroom, therefore reinforcing and embedding learning by revisiting and reviewing

    Value in videoing teachers creating diagrams/equations/practical processes/sentence structures/etc.
    Therefore, should we create podcasts and vodcasts of those learning moments?  Yes.  
    In a lesson where you know that skill might need to be taught and retaught several times, get a student to video it and up load it straight away.  Video can then be used where ever, whenever.  

    Pedagogical experience
    Technological risk
    Learning with studnets
    Is digital pedagogy different, really? Then what is pedagogy?  Is learning dependent on environment of learning, or can learning happen anyway?

    Does learning need to be fun?  Does fun meaning entertaining?
    Fun is ... challenging, engaging, critical, new, collaborative.  Not just entertaining

    Students still need to be taught how to learn via the technology. Learning to learn via technology.

    ULearn 2010: Keynote - Lane Clarke

    ThinkBox - Ideasys

    Let's read quotes from slides
    Predict the future
    "you can change today, so you can own tomorrow"... pause...
    as if we need to think some more on that

    What does it mean to learn?
    (this is a room full of educators.  We know all the things learning can be)

    Lane's ThinkBox info
    The irony of this info is that at the top of the graphic of the box that holds all her tools, Lane has written "think outside the box"

    Lane has just suggested that doing "animal projects" with children is not the best way for us to teach them because it is not real world and as adults we don't do animal projects.  Animal projects are real world for kids, because kids are interested in animals.  I think it is the process of doing the "project" that is real world learning... transferable.

    Okay, so encourage students to create questions as they are learning, but how are they learning the content in the meantime in order to ask those questions.

    So, Lane looked at friends photos two years ago and wasn't interested because she said it wasn't relevant to her.  Then when she wanted to go to those places she wanted to see the photos because they were now relevant.  Yet she started her "lecture" telling us about being life-long learners.  My question is:  If she is a life-long learner, why wasn't she interested two years ago?
    Doesn't the term life-long learner imply curiosity and a continuously inquiring mind?

    So this is a session on the process of inquiry based learning.
    Lots of good practical "tools" for the inquiry process.

    However, it is really a promo for her thinkbox products.

    Once again, a keynote speaker tell us that this generation will lead change and will be more advanced than ever.  Isn't that the nature of each new generation, since the beginning of time?

    ULearn: Cool Stuff

    Paul Reynolds - seeking to discover the deeply reflective places (EdTalks)

    podcasting to mobiles

    Wednesday, October 6, 2010

    ULearn 2010: Keynote - Steve Wheeler

    Transformation and Inspiration through Social Media

    Teacher is the inspirer, not the social media

    P   O   W   E   R   P   O   I   N   T
    is so uninteresting!!!!

    Mobile use!!!
    Students have mobiles!!!!


    A time of change... when hasn't there been a time of change!  Let's get over it and get on with it.

    "Teenagers send text messages and we ban them in schools"  WTF!!

    Once again, we are being talked to about the fact that teenagers use mobiles, etc. 
    Why can't we move to discussing ways of using the technology effectively?

    Where's the TRANSFORMATION?

    Where's the INSPIRATION?

    If I weren't sitting fourth seat in from the aisle, I would be very tempted to leave.

    Natives?  Immigrants?
    Teenagers texting? 
    How old are this guy's ideas?

    ULearn: Game Based Learning

    Spending 10000 hours on any one activity makes you an expert. 

    Decline in literacy and numeracy, but increase in gaming

    Gaming as a context for learning

    Breakout wiki

    ULearn 2010: Googlefest

    How to set up a google account...

    How to use various search functions...
    * = wildcard
    Google as a calculator
    World clock = time: london
    Weather: christchurch

    Google instant

    Images search - use advanced function to determine usage rights.
    Literacy activity
    Research activity

    Google Earth Tours:
    Fly in and out
    upload images - from Picassa
    add text comments
    Embed video - from Google Video
    Add voice comments
    ...Downloads as kmz(?) file

    Use this to plan Classcial Tour 2011!!
    Lit Trips - plot places in texts, journeys of characters, texts set by author, by genre or era...

    3D Tours in Google Earth
    Underwater tours - try California, Great Barrier Reef, Monterey

    Google Maps does similar to My Maps 
    Can export files

    enter search term and define timeliness and get updates
    Schools "should" have this set to get what is being said about school

    Teacher's Dashboard - brochure
    for tracking and easy access of student accounts

    Student accounts from primary, intermediate to secondary to life...
    How does this happen?
    export option in the teacher dashboard or do it manually

    Teacher Dashboard would be cool as!!!
    Alerts would be quite cool too
    Earth tours... would be great to have time to do this.

    SHE DIDN'T EVEN TALK ABOUT SITES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
