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Friday, September 24, 2010

Peter Looms - Leading E-Learning Change

What is E-Learning?

What is the value of using video in learning?

Why do we need to discuss the topic of common technologies and whether they are "designed" for education?  Who cares?  Why aren't we talking about HOW we can use any of the technologies available to us?  From ANY industry or area of society.

Wordle??? NO SHIT!!!!

I am really tired of coming to courses like this and being told a whole lot of stuff about "e-learning" and ICT for learning IN GENERAL!!!

I thought I was coming to this to learn how to approach e-learning change with the people I work with and how we can promote positive benefits of using e-learning strategies and technologies.

This guy is from a university in Denmark.
Why can't we have sessions with school teachers and how this has been addressed and worked for them?

OMG!!!  He just suggested we think about "something called Edward de Bono's Six Thinking Hats"!!!!!  As if we might not have heard of this cliche and static theory of learning.
He isn't making it relevant either.  More like "ooo I should show I know a bit about education by inserting comments about learning theory... here..."

Kotter's eight change phases
1. establish a sense of urgency = DO IT NOW!!! not next year.....

2. Create a coalition

3. Develop a clear vision

4. Share the vision

5. Empower people to clear obstacles

6. Secure short term wins

7. Consolidate and keep moving

8. Anchor the change

Four quadrant expectation management (look up)
Explicit expectations
Internal stakeholders
External stakeholders
Implicit expactations

NABC model

OMG!!!  He just suggested we think about "something called Edward de Bono's Six Thinking Hats"!!!!!  As if we might not have heard of this cliche and static theory of learning.
He isn't making it relevant either.  More like "ooo I should show I know a bit about education by inserting comments about learning theory... here..."

OMG!! he can't actually answer a question without referring to a previous slide to find the answer.  He just referred to a learning theory based on thinking and he has just shown he cannot think independently for himself.
I also can't think outside of my lesson plan because you just asked something I have planned for this afternoon.   Arrgh! stop thinking so much, I haven't planned to answer that question yet.

I would rather talk about how to go through the process, rather than vague lecturing on the fact that other institutions have gone through the process.  What is the process???!!!!

How do we make it work???!!!

I don't think our school is really that reluctant across the board.  I want to know how we can do it WELL.

I like the idea of the "Lone ranger"
I think people need to be free to explore what works and then bring it to a collective e-learning strategy.  How do we know what to plan to implement if we don't know how the tools can be used and implemented?  Three amigos, baby!

I hate action research!!!!!!!!

I think the point that "podcasts are boring" is dumb.  Make them better! Make them interesting!
They should not be just lecture style lessons.